Our Mission
Our mission is to improve access to healthy local ingredients and elevate the Florida culinary scene as a national food destination. Stationed in the state capital, Play of Sunlight runs weekly routes through all major metros of North and Central Florida.
Our philosophy is a quality over yield approach with an emphasis on growing rare and difficult species. Our state of the art indoor facility provides precise environmental control, allowing us to grow predictable crops year round. Ten years of growing experience has made us the most reliable wholesale mushroom company in the Southeast. We do not use a traditional distribution model. Instead, we have found that working directly with the Chef benefits everyone. These benefits include fresher product, no middle-man mark ups and a direct relationship between Chef and farmer. We grow crops for you, based on your needs.
To receive our wholesale pricelist, request a sample, or any other wholesale inquiries, contact us at:
Josh Saul - (850) 570-1445